Spring 2019 Faculty Grants Awarded for Teaching and Learning

The awardees for this year’s teaching and learning grant programs are developing innovative and technology-rich pedagogy and learning strategies inside the classroom and beyond its walls. The awards for the Start-Small Mini Grants, Hybrid Learning Course Redesign and Delivery, Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grants, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) will help us assess the effectiveness of new approaches and tools for teaching, and transmit insights about strategies that improve learning outcomes for Columbia students from all disciplines.

This is the first set of awardees for the new Interdisciplinary Teaching Awards (ITAs), which are designed to support faculty from different disciplines to work collaboratively on the design and launch of innovative interdisciplinary courses for undergraduate or graduate courses that integrate content and perspectives from different disciplines to enhance student learning. 

Interdisciplinary Teaching Awards

Graduate Symposium in Medical Humanities

Arden Hegele
Lecturer of English and Comparative Literature

Rita Charon
Professor of Medical Humanities and Ethics and of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center

Craft, Literature, and Data: Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Analyses of Technical Texts

Pamela Smith
Seth Low Professor of History

Dennis Tenen
Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature

Menstruation, Gender and Rights: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Addressing Complex Questions

Inga Winkler
Lecturer in the Discipline of Human Rights

Lauren Houghton
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology

Noémie Elhadad
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics

Anja Tolonen
Assistant Professor of Economics, Barnard College

Start-Small! Mini Grants

Polyphonic Teaching for Polyphonic Texts

Keri Bertino
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Writing

Development of a Case & ARS Question Database for Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Scott Banta
Professor of Chemical Engineering

Christopher Chen
Assistant Director of Graduate Student Programs and Services, Center for Teaching and Learning

Digital Instruction for Public Health Policy Advocacy

Helen de Pinho
Assistant Professor of Population and Family Health

Moving Beyond Lectures: Active Strategies for Transforming an Interdisciplinary Case-Based Review Course

Vicky Evangelidis-Sakellson
Professor of Dental Medicine

Implementing Case-Based Learning through Technology into Medical-Surgical Nursing Education

Ana Maria Kelly
Assistant Professor of Nursing

Learning Skills and Content through a Case Studies Approach to Team-Based Learning

Caroline Marvin
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology

Hybrid Learning Course Redesign and Delivery

Video Newsroom: Meeting the Needs of a New Generation and a Changing Media World

Nina Alvarez
Assistant Professor of Journalism

Ofelia Mangen
Instructional Technologist, Graduate School of Journalism

Amy Singer
Adjunct Associate Professor of Journalism

Global Food Systems – Hybrid Course Learning, Course Redesign and Delivery Proposal

Glenn Denning
Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs

Creating Online Version of the Course to Target the Broad Audience and Implementing Team Based Learning

Martina Pavlicova
Associate Professor of Biostatistics

From Books to Bytes: Navigating the Research Ecosystem

Barbara Rockenbach
Associate University Librarian for Research & Learning

Developing Students’ Clinical Skills via the Use of Scripted Realistic Client-Therapist Videos for Targeted Fine-Grained Practice and Meaningful Instructor Feedback and Coaching

Katherine Shear
Marion E. Kenworthy Professor of Psychiatry in Social Work

Do’s and Don’ts in Cognitive Neuroscience: Promoting Critical Thinking using a Hybrid Neuropsychology Course

Alfredo Spagna
Lecturer in the Discipline of Psychology

Hybrid Learning and Multilingualism: Re-Designing an Introductory Italian Course for Plurilingual Speakers

Barbara Spinelli
Senior Lecturer in Italian

Re-Imagining Radiology Education: An Interactive Blended Learning Approach to Radiology Education Using the Flipped Classroom Pedagogy

Pallavi Utukuri
Assistant Professor of Radiology

Design and Development of a New Hybrid Learning Course of Energy Harvesting

Huiming Yin
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Adopting Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) for Computational Subjects

Yi Zhang
Associate in the Discipline of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Large-Scale Teaching & Learning Grants

Developing Dental Students as Primary Care Resources: Enhancing Clinical Education through an Innovative, Active-Learning-Oriented Educator Development Program

Laureen Zubiaurre Bitzer
Associate Professor of Dental Medicine

Shubha Dathatri
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Education

James Fine
Professor of Dental Medicine

Aubrie Swan Sein
Assistant Professor of Educational Assessment

Extending Professional Development for Columbia Graduate Students: Teaching-Conference Support

Carlos Alonso
Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor in the Humanities

Redesigning the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum with Deep Integration, Active Learning, and Competency-Based Assessment with Coaching

Jonathan Amiel
Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Transforming Introductory Physics Education at Columbia: Towards an Active Learning Paradigm

Jeremy Dodd
Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Physics

Digital Ear Training Improvisation Initiative

Peter Susser
Lecturer in the Discipline of Music

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Stephanie Grepo
Director of Capacity Building, Institute for the Study of Human Rights

Andrew Nathan
Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science

Elsa Stamatopoulou
Director of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Program, Institute for the Study of Human Rights

VET 101: Supporting Student Veterans in Higher Education

R.J. Jenkins
Curriculum Design Specialist, Center for Veteran Transition and Integration

Artificial Intelligence for Business

Sameer Maskey
Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science